Each year, the UVU Center for the Study of Ethics holds a seminar for faculty on the research and teaching of ethics. This four day seminar introduced faculty to key pieces in the literature on civility, explored the relationship between civility and the outrage culture, and addressed methods to encourage civility within classrooms. Please contact me for a detailed syllabus of this seminar or with requests for focused seminars.

"Moral Psychology and Education:
Putting the Humanities to Work"

Co-directed with Phyllis Vandenberg
A four week 2016 NEH Summer Institute for College and University Professors held at Grand Valley State University, focusing on how specific areas of the humanities (art, music, literature, and film) enhance the development of moral emotions, reasoning, skills, habits, and action. The Institute brought together seventeen internally recognized faculty to present research on the psychological processes behind the development of moral skills and reasoning and the best practices of teaching ethics. The grant funded twenty-five faculty from universities across the country to study at the Institute and to start work on long-term research on the most effective approaches to teaching ethics using the humanities.